استاد زبان آلمانی Damaris Bidarmanesh

درباره مدرس

I am proud to look back on over 17 years of experience as a German teacher. During this time, I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach a variety of different classes and have helped many people achieve their professional and personal goals. A central part of my work was and is to support my students in successfully entering the workforce or settling into their new home. It gives me great joy to see how my students not only learn the German language, but also build a profitable and fulfilling life. My teaching method is based on the innovative approaches of Harry Cotton and Vera Birkenbihl. This methodology enables my students to learn more effectively and sustainably. By supporting the natural learning processes and facilitating learning through interactive and practical exercises, my students can learn the German language faster and, above all, more easily. At Harry Cotton, the focus is on the practical application of the language. By simulating real conversation situations and focusing on oral communication, what is learned can be applied directly in everyday life. Vera Birkenbihl, on the other hand, places particular emphasis on brainfriendly learning, in which understanding and internalizing the language is promoted through associative and visual techniques. Together, these two methods create a learningfriendly and motivating environment that encourages my students to actively participate in class and make continuous progress. Whether beginners or advanced learners, I always adapt my lessons to the individual needs and goals of my students. I look forward to accompanying you on your journey of learning German and realizing your linguistic and professional dreams together with you... مشاهده بیشتر

گروه هدف تدریس

جوان(20 تا 30 سال)
بزرگسال(31 تا 45 سال)

سطوح مورد تدریس

مهارت های مدرس

تخصص های مدرس

تقویم مدرس

امتیاز شما به مدرس

هنوز هیچ نظری برای استاد ثبت نشده است، شما اولین نفر باشید...

رزومه مدرس

قوانین رزرو و برگزاری

پس از رزرو کلاس منتظر تایید یا رد درخواست از طرف استاد بمانید. نیم ساعت قبل از برگزاری کلاس، آمادگی حضور در کلاس را داشته باشید ...

می دونستی ۳۰ روز ضمانت بازگشت مبلغ داری؟

ورود / ثبت نام عزیز تیکا گارانتی پرداخت داره و فقط از درگاه امن تیکا پرداخت را انجام دهید. اگر هر اتفاقی پیش بیاد ما هوات رو داریم، خیالت راحت.